Problems Your Old Furnace May Experience And Tips For Deciding If You Should Repair Or Replace It

The last thing you want to experience on a cold winter day is a furnace breakdown. However, if your furnace is old, a breakdown is always a possibility, even if you keep up with regular maintenance. Here's a look at some things that can go wrong with your furnace and how to decide if you should continue to make repairs or if it's time to get a new furnace.

Common Problems With An Old Furnace

The blower gets a lot of wear since it's what moves warm air through your house. The blower consists of a fan cage, belt, and motor. When you have routine maintenance, the technician cleans the cage, checks the belt, services the motor, and notifies you if the parts are getting old and worn. If you skip the important annual furnace tuneup, then the blower may break down due to worn-out parts or because it's dirty. A blower might be costly to repair depending on what's wrong with it, so you'll want to make sure it is maintained as your furnace ages.

An old furnace can also develop problems with the ignition and heat exchanger system. This happens because this part of the furnace experiences frequent temperature shifts that can cause the metal to get weak over time. A cracked heat exchanger is a serious problem that can allow carbon monoxide to leak out, so it needs emergency repairs.

How To Decide If You Need A New Furnace

If you're looking at repairing a cracked heat exchanger, the cost could be so high that replacing an old furnace makes sense. The age of your furnace plays a big role in determining if repairs are cost-effective. Also, how well you've maintained the furnace matters too since a furnace that's taken care of well has a longer life. If you've neglected your furnace over the years, it might need to be replaced before its expected lifespan is up.

Get advice from an HVAC technician when you need to decide between repairs or replacement. While repairs might cost less at the moment, it could be money wasted if you'll need to replace the furnace by the next heating season. If you're undecided about whether to go ahead and replace your furnace, think about energy efficiency. If your furnace is old, it probably isn't very efficient. By putting in a new furnace, your home may stay warmer and you'll have lower energy bills too. If you decide to have a new furnace installed, ask for advice on how to maintain it properly so it has a long life and you get the best return for your money.
