Should You Switch To A Gas Furnace?

Outdoor temperatures are starting to drop, which means that you have probably started to think about the efficiency of your home's heating system. Many fuel sources can be used to power a residential heating system.

Modern homeowners often choose to invest in natural gas furnaces. If you are thinking about making the switch from an electric heating system to a natural gas furnace, there are a few important questions to consider prior to making any firm and fast decisions.

Is Your Existing Heating System Working?

Before you make the choice to invest in a new natural gas furnace, you need to carefully consider the condition of your existing heating system. All heating systems reach a point where they are no longer functional.

If your heating system is nearing the end of its expected life span, then it makes sense to make the switch to a natural gas furnace now. If you have recently had your existing heating system installed or repaired, you may want to wait until the system stops working to replace it.

Does Your Home Have a Natural Gas Line?

Another factor to consider when making the decision to install a natural gas furnace is whether or not there is an existing gas line on your property. A lot of stoves and water heaters are powered by natural gas. It's easy to connect your new furnace into the existing natural gas line if you already have some gas appliances in your home.

If no existing gas line is present, then you will need to add the cost of running a natural gas pipeline to your property into the installation cost of a new furnace.

Is Your Home Equipped With Air Ducts?

Natural gas furnaces rely on a forced air delivery system to heat your home. You need to determine if a network of air ducts is already installed in your home.

Properties that rely on a heat pump or have a forced air cooling system will probably be equipped with air ducts. Homes that rely on ductless systems will not have the ducts needed for a natural gas furnace to function efficiently.

The cost of installing new air ducts throughout your home will need to be added to the installation costs of the furnace itself to determine how much you can plan to spend to convert your heating system to one that uses natural gas as a fuel source.

For more information, contact a residential HVAC service.
