Talk To Your AC Contractor About Installing Zoned Air Conditioning

If you need to install a new air conditioner, you might want to consider a zoned system. A zoned air conditioner allows you to control the temperature in various parts of your home independently. Here's a look at how a zoned system works, how it's installed, and why you may want this type of AC in your home.

How A Zoned Air Conditioning System Works

A zoned system works by separating your home into different cooling zones by using dampers in the ducts. The dampers can close off to keep cool air out of rooms that aren't in use so you don't waste money cooling down a spare bedroom or the upstairs of your home. You can create as many zones as you like. You could have a zone for each room of your house if that fits your lifestyle.

This is convenient if you happen to love the temperature extra chilly, but you want your kids to have warmer sleeping temperatures or if you don't want to waste money by keeping your entire house as chilled as you like it.

You could set a zone for your home office, family room, or bedroom so you can keep that small area as cool as you like while other rooms in your house are warmer.

How A Zoned System Is Installed

A zoned air conditioning system consists of traditional parts such as an air handler, outdoor condenser, and ducts. To make the zoned parts, dampers are needed along with thermostats for each individual zone and a central control panel that operates all the dampers.

An AC installation contractor can determine the best way to place the dampers and the number of dampers your home needs to create the cooling zones that work best for you. The dampers can then be installed in the ducts and connected to the control panel so the motor on each damper operates it automatically.

Why You Might Enjoy Zoned Air Conditioning

The biggest benefit of a zoned AC is your increased comfort. Everyone in your family can be more comfortable if there are differing preferences for temperatures. You may like your space chilly, but if your elderly parents live with you or if you have a baby or toddlers, you may need to keep part of your home much warmer so everyone is comfortable and happy.

Besides comfort, a zoned system can save money by shutting off cooling to rooms that don't need it. By controlling individual zones with their own thermostats, you won't have to waste energy keeping rooms cool when no one uses them, and that could save on your energy bill. For more information contact a service such as Vigil Air.
