Using Air Conditioning To Improve Your Home's Comfort

Air conditioning problems can have serious effects on the comfort of your home as well as the energy costs that you will have to pay. When you are looking for your options to improve the results your air conditioning system is providing, there are some options that are often overlooked despite playing a disproportionate role in determining the effectiveness of the AC.

Avoid Letting The Air In The Home Become Stagnant

Areas in the home where the air tends to become stagnant can prevent the cooled air for the AC from effectively circulating throughout the entire home. One option for combating this can be to improve the air circulation so that the air will have fewer opportunities to develop pockets where it stagnates. In fact, your air conditioning system will be designed with the assumption that the interior of the home will have good circulation to distribute the cooled air.

Invest In A Filter That Can Remove Allergens

The type of air filter that the air conditioning system uses can play another factor in determining its overall performance. For example, many standard air filters are only capable of removing the larger particles from the air that is passing through it. Many of the common substances that trigger allergy responses in people will be too small to be filtered out by these units. In order to prevent these substances from passing through the filter, you will need to opt for a filter that will be able to remove these smaller particles from the air. These filters may be slightly more costly, but they will greatly improve the air quality in the house.

Keep The Thermostat Clean

A dirty thermostat is one problem that can greatly reduce the ability of the air conditioning system to function correctly. When this component is able to become coated in a thick layer of dust and dirt, it will likely produce inaccurate temperature readings. This can lead to the system failing to work as you may expect. In addition to cleaning the exterior of the thermostat to remove the dust and dirt, you may also want to remove the faceplate of the thermostat so that the interior of it can be cleaned with a can of compressed air. This is a safe and effective option for removing the dust or dirt that has started to collect inside the thermostat. Ideally, this should be done every few months, but those that have pets or that smoke inside their house will want to do ti more often as there may be a higher dust content in their homes.

For more information, reach out to a local air conditioning service.
