4 Ways You Can Tell That Your Furnace Is Short-Cycling

Most homeowners dread the possibility that something might be wrong with their heating system because it means a miserable indoor atmosphere and high repair bills. However, even the best-maintained system will break down at some point and require repairs. Sometimes the signs of trouble might be obvious, like a system that completely refuses to turn on. At other times, the problem will be harder to decipher. In such cases, a short-cycling furnace is one of the complex issues to handle. Given this, here are four ways to tell that your furnace needs repairs.  

When the Air Isn't Flowing Properly

Part of heater maintenance is ensuring clean air gets into the heat exchanger. However, note that your home gets a lot of airborne contaminants from dirt, dust, pollen, mold spores, and animal fur. With time, they can accumulate on the filters and block air movement. Ultimately, clogged or improperly placed furnace air filters might prevent air from circulating normally. Fortunately, the solution to this widespread problem is straightforward. If your furnace has problems due to restricted airflow, cleaning or replacing the filter should solve the problem.

When the Thermostat Has the Wrong Settings

The thermostat is the brain of the entire heating assembly. Hence, you should ensure the unit is properly calibrated and raise its temperature to your desired level. Also, the effectiveness of your furnace can be negatively impacted if the thermostat is placed in an improper location. So, make sure the thermostat is not placed where the temperature rises and falls rapidly, such as by a door, a window, or a fireplace. Also, check the batteries, the interface, and all other components to ensure they are functional.

You Have a Damaged Flame Sensor

There's a flame rod within the furnace that can tell if there's a fire going. Given this function, the heater will turn off prematurely if the sensor cannot identify the burner flame. Sometimes, all it takes to get your furnace back in working order is a good cleaning of the flame rod. That said, it is best not to check such problems on your own, as you may end up damaging other components. Instead, call a heating unit repair expert to remedy the issue and restore proper function.

When the System Overheats

The common cause of brief cycling is overheating. So, if your furnace becomes too hot, built-in safety features will cause it to turn off by itself. That said, you can avoid damage and potential fire threats through timely repairs.

Consult a furnace repair professional about your short cycling furnace and get their help determining the cause and possible solutions. The faster you resolve the issue, the less your repair bill will be, and the quicker you can restore indoor comfort.

Contact a local furnace repair service to learn more. 
