Heating Maintenance In The Summer? Why You Might Need This HVAC Service

Can you schedule heating maintenance as a summer-time service? Even though you have the air conditioning on full blast, cooling services aren't the only type of warm weather system maintenance tasks. Take a look at what homeowners need to know about heating system maintenance, HVAC care, and a summer service schedule.

Why Should You Schedule A Summer-Time Heating Service?

A missed winter or spring maintenance appointment is the top reason to schedule routine care in the summer-time. Regular heater maintenance is necessary to keep your HVAC system in top shape, improve energy efficiency, and lower the cost of winter-time heating bills. But if you skipped a pre- or post-season service call, now is the time to contact your HVAC contractor.

Even though it's unlikely that you will need to use the heater during the summer months, you can still go ahead and schedule a maintenance appointment. Think of this service visit as a post-post-season or a pre-pre-season service. The HVAC technician will inspect, clean, and repair your heater (if necessary) in the same way that they would in the fall, winter, or spring months.

Not only will this summer service help you to lower energy usage (and the resulting fuel costs) next winter, it gives you time to repair or replace the heater. If the technician does find damage or significant wear and tear, they can recommend a repair or replacement service. Instead of freezing through days of winter cold while you wait for repairs or replacement parts to come in, you won't need to worry about using the heater right now. This benefit is another top reason to choose a summer maintenance service.

What Services Can You Schedule In the Summer?

Summer-time heater services aren't different from the maintenance tasks you would schedule during the other three seasons. While the specific services offered by different contractors may vary, common heating maintenance options include:

  • Filter services. A dirty air filter can slow your system down and decrease the indoor air quality. If your HVAC system's heater and air conditioner share the same filter, this service could save you money right now and as the winter approaches.
  • Cleaning services. Routine HVAC maintenance typically includes a system-wide cleaning. This includes the removal of dirt, dust, and debris from the heater and possibly (depending on the contractor), the air ducts.
  • Safety check. The technician should check the system for safety failures. These could include electrical issues or gas leaks.

Along with these services, your maintenance appointment may also include repairs. This additional service is only necessary if the contractor finds damage, wear, or a safety fault in your system.
